Tommy Winata has been in town again.....looking to get some land. One of Indonesia's wealthiest men, he likes to build casinos. He is also a very good friend of certain general's - see here for background. He also entertains Timorese officials at his Jakarta Hotel Borobodur frequently.
As reported by the Australian media in May 2008, "Now, a former associate of Indonesian generals, businessman Tommy Winata, is rumoured to be looking around Dili to build a casino, with Gusmao's blessing."
More background on Winata's Artha Graha Bank and its connections to general's is here.
Then again he could be here looking to plant hybrid rice. One other blogger writes
Benih Prima and Benih Super strains; High-quality seeds produced by PT Sumber Alam Sutera*, an agriculture company owned by tycoon Tommy Winata.
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