This is a picture of SubInspector Artur Avelar Borges, taken two years prior to the day this blog post was uploaded. 24 May 2006. It is taken on the grounds of the house of Chief of the Timorese Defence Force, Brigadier Taur Matan Ruak. Artur was involved in the attack on the house of General Matan Ruak.
Interesting uniform and firearm for a senior police officer.
In any event he was charged, tried and convicted in 2007 to a few years in Her Majesty's Becora Prison. Within days of being convicted the charges were thrown out for lack of evidence.
Artur comes from a well known family in Aileu and has friends. In fact he used to be Special Assistant to former Police Commander Paulo Martins.
What Artur doing now? He is working for the Acting Police Commander Afonso de Jesus. So much for good policing...
Nova tradução do "Le Petit Prince"
4 weeks ago