On 14 december 2008 there were 12 ships in Dili harbour, many of them Vietnamese ships, loaded with Thai rice for the $17 million dollar man.
On 14 december 2008 there were 12 ships in Dili harbour, many of them Vietnamese ships, loaded with Thai rice for the $17 million dollar man.
Here is the corrupting power behind Lucia Lobato, the Minister of Justice, her husband. Gender rights gone all wrong. Americo read Pualaka read Lopes...........
Who is Pualaka? Americo Lopes, husband of the Minister of Justice, Lucia Lobato.
So the New Club Med in Tasi Tolu is to double as a New Parliament as well. Something of science fiction in this.
Hercules bring Timorese Art, with an Indonesian twist, to central Dili.
Behold - the new look of the Jardin Dili.....
Are the broken chains a metaphor from personal or national experience?
The AMP Government is flexing its political muscles. Marza da Paz holds little against this....
It comes in the form of big budgets (legal or otherwise), Thai rice deals and ships. On 29 November there were an unprecedented number of ships, 7 of them, in Dili harbour, waiting for the eigth one to complete unloading its load of Tres Amigo rice.
As discussed in an earlier entry - Tres Amigos - is a company run by a Mr. Germanu da Silva, formerly Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao's former Finance Director in the Office of the Presidency.
Tres Amigo appears to be the Governments preferred supplier of rice which it provided to the general public at a subsidized price. It is certainly good business for the $17,000,000 dollar man, and appears to be good politics for AMP, even if it is totally unsustainable. While stability comes at a price, to be certain, how easy will it be to withdraw subsidies in Timor when the money gets tight again?
Prabowo hugs Lere - in Tommy Winata's Borobodur Hotel in Jakarta.
No one should be that surpised that the long awaited review of the CAVR report by the Timorese National Parliament was cancelled again, in the run up to this historic meeting.
Prabowo was a killer as a young man.
Now he tries to fashion himself a smooth politician. Compare his political machine website http://www.prabowosubianto.net/ with the Wikileaks history of the man at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prabowo and make up your own mind.
To read about the 27 year old Prabowo's role in the killing of Nicolau Lobato in 1978 click here.
Fantasy merges into reality and a modern day Presidential candidate.
It really is a great shame that the Timorese leaderships feels that they have go these lengths to keep the Indonesian establishment benign.
From: east-timor-owner@lists.riseup.net [mailto:east-timor-owner@lists.riseup.net] On Behalf Of ETAN
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:01 PM
To: east-timor@lists.riseup.net
Subject: *****SPAM***** TLGov CoM: Meeting of the Council of Ministers 24 November 2008
V Constitutional Government
Meeting of the Council of Ministers 24 November 2008
The Council of Ministers met this Monday, 24th November 2008, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room,
1- Draft-law on the State General Budget for 2009
In today's meeting, the Council of Ministers approved the draft-law on the State General Budget for the Fiscal Year 2009, which will now be submitted to National Parliament for consideration and approval.
The Budget that was prepared by the Government aims, on one hand to accelerate the national reconstruction process at a social and infrastructural level and on the other, to allow the development of the economy, job creation and poverty reduction.
The 2009 SGB includes all revenues and expenditures of Timor-Leste. The total annual estimated revenues of 2009 from all sources – oil, non-oil, development partners aid and other non fiscal revenues – amount to $1,344,1 million united states dollars.
The total of the budgetary appropriations for the State Budget is of 680,873 million dollars, which corresponds to the estimated total for expenditures. The non-oil revenues are estimated to be $91,045 million USD, this the fiscal deficit amounts to $589,828 million USD, which will be covered with moneys coming from the Petroleum Fund.
In accordance with the Petroleum Fund Law, the Fund's Sustainable Income is three per cent (3%) of the oil wealth per year. For the Budget of 2009, we estimate that the Sustainable Income will be $407,8 million USD, which will see the Government withdraw an amount from the Petroleum Fund that exceeds the Sustainable Income by $181,2 million USD.
The budgetary appropriations for the State are distributed as follows:
· $93,123 millions for Salaries and Wages;
· $248,548 millions for Goods and Services;
· $38,053 millions for Minor Capital;
· $205,334 millions for Capital Development; and
· $95,815 millions for Public Transfers.
The SGBO for the Fiscal Year 2009 will ensure the continuity of the work that has been initiated by the IV Constitutional Government. One should be reminded that in 2008 the Government initiatives were dubbed “2008 Year of the Reform” were based in four main components:
· To have a Public Administration free of political interferences;
· To establish processes and mechanisms to fight corruption;
· To improve the remuneration and the management of the income of the civil servants; and
· To reform the financial and budgetary in the Government.
The continuation of these reforms in 2009 is a component of the SGB. The Government considers that the continuous reform of the public sector is crucial to the success and economic growth of the country.
2- Decree-Law that approves the Organic Law of the Ministry of Finance
The diploma that the Council of Ministers approved in today's meeting establishes the organic structure of the Ministry of Finance as well as the competencies and attributions of each service.
Secretariat for the Council of Ministers
24 November 2008.
Agreed - the Japanese Ambassador - need a lesson in etiquette!!!!
Friday, 7 November 2008
<http://xananarepublic.blogspot.com/2008/11/whale-of-time.html>Whale Of A Time
Speaking of whales, does the Japanese ambassador really need to have
2 UNPol cars and 2 PNTL motorcycle outriders, with all the bells and
whistles going, just to pop down the shops for a packet of durries
and a 6 pack of Kirin on a quiet Saturday afternoon on the beach road?
After all, that's my tax money being spent. And I don't like it.
The University of Evora (http://www.uevora.pt/) is a state-public institution.
One would have thought that IF Rogerio Lobato has indeed enrolled at Evora that it might have been blocked for reasons of impropriety....
Then again perhaps Evora, whose standards are usually quite high, have slipped a lot in recent times.
Questions and Complaints can be addressed to:
universidade de évora largo dos colegiais 2, 7004-516 Évora
uevora@uevora.pt tel: +351 266 740 800 fax: +351 266 740 831
As readers of the Insider may note, one of it first blogging entries was about the Bio-Fuel project proposed by a Company named GT LESTE.
On 27 May 2008 The Insider wrote about it. http://thediliinsider.blogspot.com/2008/05/100-000-hectares-poof-signed-away-on.html and had another blog see http://thediliinsider.blogspot.com/2008/09/gt-leste.html.
Others have made a lot of comment on the matter including members of the AMP government, the FRETILIN Opposition, and NGOs etc.
As of today as reported in the Timor Post it appears the deal is dying. Congratulations to Mariano Sabino for recognizing a mistake when he sees one – and to all those who pointed out this mistake to him.
This man has.
His name is Atino Gama.
Pictured here recovering in a Darwin Hospital.
He is the F-FDTL soldier shot by the Alfredo Group that fateful morning on 11 February.