Tuesday, March 31, 2009

But what about the Casinos? Tasi Tolu Redux

As discussed in the Insider in December 2008 the Tasi Tolu moonbase looks like its moving forward. New Parliament, Hotel/Golf Course, Moonbase, its all the same.

Whose land is it?

I wonder if they have discussed the matter with the endemic species bird that can be found in savanna habitat (such as around Tasi-tolu) .......near Dili (Díli)) including the Yellow-eared Honeyeater Lichmera flavicans, the brilliant Flame-breasted Sunbird Nectarinia solaris, and Streaky-breasted Honeyeater Meliphaga reticulata.
East Timor: Singapore group to build tourist resort with golf course in Dili [ 2009-03-30 ]

Dili, East Timor, 30 March – Singapore's Ock Group plans to build a luxury tourist resort in a coastal area on the outskirts of the East Timor capital of Dili, Asian Gold Business reported citing the company’s chairman, Edward Ong.

The resort will have a hotel with 350 rooms and will be the first five-star accommodation in the country, with a business centre and a 27-hole golf complex.

The resort will be based on the model of the Sutera Harbour resort in Malaysia, which was opened by the Ock Group in 2000. The resort has two hotels with a total of 956 rooms, a marina and a 27-hole golf complex.

The resort will initially focus on attracting businesspeople and Ong expects that East Timor will attract enough tourists to build more rooms and other attractions. (macauhub)

VW Bug Dili

VW Bug as sighted by a reader on March 21 2009 near the old Hotel Resende. Another expensive toy roaming the streets of Dili.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Satuan Tugas Inteligen (SGI) Reunion in Dili?

PNTL Kaer Fali Ona

So: do you think PNTL will adopt a community policing doctrine or a paramilitary policing doctrine. I wonder what the gentlemen holding the rifles were doing in May 2006? So much for UnPOL. 27 March Invite to 9 Anniversary PNTL and handover ceremony to PNTL.

TLDPM 2009: Goodbye Conflict - Welcome Development

The theme of the TLDPM April 2004 "Facing Challenges and Making Progress"

The theme of the TLDPM April 2005 "Redefining Partnerships to Ensure a Better Future"

The theme of the TLDPM April 2006 "Combating Poverty as a National Cause"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gay Timor

Well here is a sign of the times. http://gaytimor.blogspot.com/

Key UNMIT Landmark: Castaways

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dili Defence Supplies

Privatised security equipment? Photo sent in by reader. As seen in Landmark shopping centre.

Introducing the BMW Z4 to Dili

These photos thanks to a reader.
This is a BMW Z4 convertible roadster. Running at approximately $50,000 to $70,000.
This is BMW z4 (Licenzia 19 909) in Pantai Kelapa, Dili on 9 March 2009
On 10 March 2009 Timor-Leste took a great leap forward it now has sports cars. In a country where most people live on a dollar a day these are just what is needed.
The owner does not appear in need of a poverty alleviation programme.
According to one car mag, "The BMW Z4, which replaced the Z3, has rocked the sports car world with its dramatic 'flame surfaced' styling and smooth power. Nicknamed the 'land shark' for its sleek, aggressive appearance, the rear-wheel drive Z4 is as exciting to drive as it is to look at."
The owner is a Level 6 civil servant in the Department of Transport (initials BT). Responsibile for issuing all manner of licenses, import waivers, fees etc etc. As a level 6 civil servant he earned approximately $4,000-$5,000 per year before the recently proposed salary increases for all public servants.
BMW Z4 - $50,000 to $70,000 price tag.
Owner - $5,000/annum income.
Who is the sleek agressive shark?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


From the former Special Assistant to SRSG Sharma...

....and one of the earliest proponents of the Police Reserve Unit.



We are safe

From: Premalal LIYANARACHCHI [mailto:liyanarachchi@un.org]
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 11:38 AM
To: ftyler@aai.org.au; lpochard@adb.org; alita.adv@alolafoundation.org; azzi.education@alolafoundation.org; ceo@alolafoundation.org; cecily.adv@alolafoundation.org; ina.adv@alolafoundation.org; meredith@alolafoundation.org; mch@alolafoundation.org; veronica@alolafoundation.org; fonsecazulmira@yahoo.com; tim-hom@asf.be; tim-polegal@asf.be; tim-po@asf.be; Armandina.Amaral@dfat.gov.au; Augusto.Pereira@dfat.gov.au; Darian.Clark@ausaid.gov.au; Donna-Jean.Nicholson@dfat.gov.au; Joao.Fernandes@dfat.gov.au; Natalie.Mckelleher@dfat.gov.au; Pedro.Aquino@dfat.gov.au; Robin.Scott-Charlton@dfat.gov.au; opsmgr_tl@austcare.org.au; elmar.goebl@redcross.at; miriam.liska@redcross.at; martina.spitzbart@redcross.at; glasslett@australianvolunteers.com; sierraejames@hotmail.com; antoniodaconceicao@gmail.com; luis.belun@gmail.com; ree7@columbia.edu; diane.francisco@gmail.com; jhardman.care@gmail.com; fernandod@caritas.minihub.org; markg@caritas.minihub.org; dlugiarto@ccftimorleste.org; gezepue@gmail.com; csantos@cfsi.ph; amelia.andrade@concern.net; Bubu.Saha@concern.net; clare.danby@concern.net; tapan.barman@concern.net; tito.deaquino@concern.net; crsrep@tl.seapro.crs.org; rmarkowski@tl.seapro.crs.org; svanduijl@tl.seapro.crs.org; cornelio.gomes@redcross.tl; sec-gen@cvtl.tp; m.soares.cvtl@gmail.com; luis.pinto@redcross.tl; smitha@idss.com.au; celsoamado_sas@yahoo.com; eliasmoniz@yahoo.com.au; chico_santos2000@yahoo.com; joao_pj@yahoo.com; emiltp@yahoo.com.au; Michael.Lund@undp.org; laurence.bardon@ec.europa.eu; jcgmataratao@gmail.com; phyllisferguson@hotmail.com; guglielmo.colombo@ec.europa.eu; chana.opaskornkul@fao.org; fabrizio.cesaretti@fao.org; dominique.dubois@diplomatie.gouv.fr; gregoirerochigneux@yahoo.fr; cadgschreiber@gmail.com; naroman@mail.timortelecom.tp; soares34@un.org; hadin@un.org; schneider6@un.org; dave@icfj.org; jodymcp@yahoo.com; dili.dil@icrc.org; rvenghaus@ifc.org; mschramm@ifes.org; amanda.scothern@ifrc.org; irmeli.vieno@ifrc.org; juvita.guterres@ifrc.org; kamal.niraula@ifrc.org; 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tim.budge@plan-international.org; maria.mendes@embpor.tp; progressio.tl@googlemail.com; easttimor@share.or.jp; secretariat.simumalu@gmail.com; angelg@cruzroja.es; sfeasttimor@stromme.org; lucelee@yahoo.com; erburyrosario@yahoo.com; admin.timorleste@trianglegh.org; timorleste@trianglegh.org; watsan.dili@trianglegh.org; social.dili@trianglegh.org; krobertson@trocairetl.org; jill.engen@undp.org; akbar.usmani@undp.org; alissar.chaker@undp.org; azevedo.marcal@undp.org; ben.larke@undp.org; cristiano.dacosta@undp.org; filipa.martins@undp.org; nick.beresford@undp.org; ruth.jorge@undp.org; sophia.cason@undp.org; anton.boshoff@undp.org; ca.pinto@unesco.org; r.alquitran@unesco.org; belo@unfpa.org; agudelo@unfpa.org; cabrera@unfpa.org; patrocin@unhcr.org; dacostam@unhcr.org; anyquist@unicef.org; angomez@unicef.org; bdanbappa@unicef.org; bvrolijk@unicef.org; bpokhrel@unicef.org; fchiwile@unicef.org; jkukita@unicef.org; lrumble@unicef.org; mmaglipon@unicef.org; mntawiha@unicef.org; mhossain@unicef.org; 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Dear Friends


This is to bring to your kind notice that I am the new Team leader of the above Unit. My role is to promote partnership between Police and the Community to identify their problems, and solve them with their participation. This office is also the Humanitarian Focal Point of UNPOL. For these purposes there are UNPOL officers deployed in all the territorial districts and sub districts. Your usual support and suggestions in this regard is most welcome.

We all are here to help the citizens of Timor-Leste for a better future. It is my pleasure to assist your organization for this worthy cause. Please do not hesitate to call me if you need my assistance.

Best Regards

Premalal Liyanarahchi CP 8776

Community Policing and Humanitarian Office


Senior Supdt. of Police

Ext: 4826

Phone +670 7413206

+670 7311562


Email: liyanarachchi@un.org

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Indonesia - Timor-Leste; Rapprochement continues. (We Sell - You Buy)

Recently a number of senior PNTL officers went to Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto in Bandung, Java. This jalan is famous for being able to provide people in the security business with equipment, toys, gear, and the like. They were on a shopping trip.

Are they expecting trouble?


They were visiting Indonesia's largest defence and security manufacturer, PT. PINDAD, with a view to purchasing a number of armoured vehicles bearing water cannon. Just the thing for large protests. Well at least it is not more rifles. Then again who knows. PT. PINDAD is one SE Asia's largest manufacturers of semi-automatic rifles, many of which similar in make to those in use in Timor-Leste today.

PT. PINDAD makes the above pictured M1W-40 Water Cannon vehicle. It has a capacity of 4000 litres and 16 bar pressure (that means it hits very hard). Also comes with handy video camera and tape recording system so you can get the protestors on tape. The fire direction is done by a fun video game style joy stick, and it can also be rigged for tear gas. It has A/C so the crew can remain cool and comfortable as they pummel and gas protestors. Other options on request.

For a full PT. PINDAD product list see:


An interesting, and sad, PT PINDAD anecdote from 1999:

"in September 1999 - for many it was too little, too late. One of those was pro-independence activist Bernardino Guterres. The 25-year-old was seized on the streets of Dili on 26 August 1999 by the Indonesian police, kicked and beaten. He knew his life was in danger and tried to flee. But as he ran, a police officer shot him in the head.

The pictures of his killing, published in Time magazine two weeks later, showed the police officer with a weapon resembling an SSI-V1 assault rifle. These weapons had been manufactured in Indonesia by PT Pindad under licence from the Belgian company FN Herstal.

You can always visit PT PINDAD at Head Office : Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.517 Bandung 40284 - Indonesia Phone : (62-22)7312073 (Hunting) Facsimile: (62-22) 7301222 E-mail : info@pindad.com.
PS they also sell silencer.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wasting their time and someone else's money

Well that's it then.

Everything will be ok.

How many of these foreigner "driven" and totally useless workshops must we go through? UNDP seems to make a living out of wasting their time and someone else's money. Year in and year out. For a decade now.

-----Original Message-----
From: east-timor-owner@lists.riseup.net
[mailto:east-timor-owner@lists.riseup.net] On Behalf Of ETAN
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 1:07 AM
To: east-timor@lists.riseup.net
Subject: Ministry of Justice and UNDP organize consultation workshop on
customary law and local justice

Ministry of Justice and UNDP organize consultation workshop on
customary law and local justice

On 27 February, the Ministry of Justice, jointly with UNDP Justice
System Programme and with the support of UNMIT (United Nations
Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste), carried out in Dili a workshop on
access to justice and customary law with the attendance of more than
100 participants from organizations related to Human Rights, and the
justice sector. This workshop comes as a series of consultations
oriented to develop draft legislation on customary law and local justice.

Timor-Leste is young country which reached its independence in May
2002. As other post-conflict countries, it is developing its path to
consolidate its judiciary institutions. On the other hand, there is
an extended practice of customary institutions which precede the
State. One of the nation's challenges is to provide access to justice
to all its citizens by accommodating these traditional mechanisms
with the formal justice system.

To respond to this challenge, the Ministry of Justice, with the
technical support of UNDP Justice System Programme, has launched a
process of consultation through decentralized workshops in the
districts (Baucau, Oecusse) and sector consultations in Dili,
addressed to Human Rights NGOs, women's organizations, and justice
operators. In these workshops the participants have the opportunity
to discuss the problems they face, to evaluate channels for conflict
resolution and make proposals to improve the access to justice at local

"Access to justice is a human right and essential element of a
democratic society and rule of law which contributes to peace and
stability. It means the capacity to have efficient mechanisms for
conflict resolution, protection of rights and control the abuse of
power", said Ms. Raquel Yrigoyen Fajardo, UNDP consultant on Access to

The courts are indispensable for guaranteeing the protection of human
rights and the necessary check and balances in a democratic society.
Complementary to the formal justice system, the recognition of
conflict resolution mechanisms based on customary law can be an
important factor to enhance access to justice, especially for facing
daily life conflicts at local level.

The next consultation workshops will take place in Los Palos, Suai
and Dili in March/April followed by a national workshop in June 2009.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Here comes the Sun

Here comes the son, here comes the son,
and I say it's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the son, here comes the son
and I say it's all right

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the son, here comes the son
and I say it's all right

Son, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the son, here comes the son,
and I say it's all right
It's all right

UNPOL: Going, going, gone.... Resumption of Policing Responsibilities for PNTL.

Were they ever really there/here in the first place?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hercules: Dili's favourite Gangster / Investor is back in town

From a fan.

Rosario "Hercules" Marcal, flew back into Dili today, 4 March 2009, and entered the country via the VIP route.

Here's to you Hercules. Thanks for the "culture".

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

KILLER CANDIDATE - Eurico Guterres.

Shirt and Tie = Respectability in Indonesia?

Running for the National Legislature Eurico Guterres states via his PAN banner - It is time for Timorese to speak “Brave...Consistent & Responsible”.

This is what Wikipedia has to say about Eurico – click here.

This is what the Masters of Terror have to say about Eurico – click here.

Eurico is a candidate with PAN. Read about Pan here – click here – and in Indonesian here. Odd that Eurico ends up with a moderate Islamist political party. Then again killers keep strange company.

FW: Security Broadcast - Closure of Illegal Street Vendors - Dili

From: UNMIT-SOC [mailto:unmit-soc@un.org] On Behalf Of Security BROADCAST-UNMIT
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 2:20 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Security Broadcast - Closure of Illegal Street Vendors - Dili

All staff members are advised that there is a strong possibility that elements of the Civil Security supported up by the PNTL Task Force may carry out operations from tomorrow, Wednesday 4th March 2009 to clear, so called, illegal street vendors from the following areas;
Comoro Road,
Bidau Lecidere.
Traffic congestion may be caused if these operations take place and there is also a slight possibility that some disturbances may occur during these clearances.
Staff members should report all incidents as soon as possible to the SOC and maintain a situational awareness while these operations are taking place.

UN Security


Zone Map of Dili with numbered main roads: