Sunday, August 30, 2020

Estudante Timorense iha Filipines 2007

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Friday, April 1, 2011

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ro Funu Timor-Leste nian Oecusse 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

UNTAET Sosa Kilat

Back when the UN was buying guns in Timor-Leste

Monday, December 20, 2010

Andre Los Ona?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Xanana Rules, er hmm Xanana's Rules.


  • "Rule No. 1, Xanana is always right; 
  • Rule No. 2: if he is wrong apply Rule No. 1; and
  • Rule No. 3: everyone has to understand that both Rules No. 1 and 2 cannot ever be amended because they are in the "national interest"

(Arsenio Bano to Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao in parliament this week)

Salariu Sae, Maibe Serbisu Tun


Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 16th of December of 2010

The Council of Ministers met this Thursday, 16th of December of 2010, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room in the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:

1. Decree-Law about an extraordinaire Payment of one month basic salary to the public service The IV Constitutional Government intends to carry out a policy for the preservation of the human resources attached to the Timorese State's activity, and thus considers it important to acknowledge and to encourage the good performance of its public servants. This is an equitable measure, even though of exceptional nature, that tends to bring the public servants closer to other national workers, placing them at the same level.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Letefoho 2002

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

PNTL Dez 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Wikileaks dumps 350 US Embassy Dili cables.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

OJE 2011 #7 - Pilots for PNTL and FDTL.

People train to be pilots if they are going to have planes and or helicopters to fly.  Unless of course you need a pilots license for an APC or a patrol boat.  Planes and helicopters in OJE 2012?
for complete info see: